如果由于疫情而限制了参赛者前往香港,则参赛者可以线上提交预先录制的表演,并且将会在单独的线上组别中对其进行评审。每个组别的杰出表现者将获得金,银和铜奖 – 线上组别。线上组别获奖者会得到证书和评语。现场组别获奖者将获得奖杯,证书和现金奖。
1. 所有组别将包括现场和线上。每个组别将有独立的获胜者,并将在该组别中进行评审。
2. 非香港居民参赛者有资格进入线上组别。只有已报名的参赛者才能进入线上组别。
3. 参赛者必须通过线上报名截止日期前将其选择通知组委会。网上截止日期暂定为2020年8月15日,因为我们仍在观察疫情对国际旅行的影响。
4. 线上组别基于预先录制的视频提交。视频格式和提交的技术细节将于2020年9月上旬公布。
5. 所有线上组别参赛者将收到评审团的评论。
6. 线上组别的金奖得主将被邀请参加优胜者的音乐会。型式可以是线上实时媒体或预先录制的视频。
7. 组委会保留最终决定权。
Special Arrangement – ONLINE CATEGORY relating to COVID – 19 travel restrictions:
In the event that contestants’ travel to Hong Kong is restricted due to COVID-19, contestants may submit their pre-recorded performance online and they will be judged in the separate ONLINE CATEGORY. “Jury’s choice of Online Category in Gold, Silver and Bronze” will be awarded to the outstanding performers in each division. Certificates and the comments will be given to the Online Category winners. Trophies, certificates and cash prizes will be given to the Live Category winners.
1. All divisions will include a live category and an online category. Each category will have separate winners and will be judged within the category of the Division.
2. Non-Hong Kong Resident Contestants are eligible to enter the Online Category of the division for which they registered. Only enrolled contestants can enter the Online Category.
3. Contestants must inform the Organizing Committee of their choice to enrol in the Online Category by the ONLINE OPTION DEADLINE. The ONLINE OPTION DEADLINE is tentatively 15 Aug 2020, as we are still observing the evolving COVID-19 impact on international travel.
4. The Online Category is based on a pre-recorded video submission. The technical details of video format and submission will be announced by early September 2020.
5. All Online Category Contestants will receive comments from Jury.
6. The Gold Medal Winners of the ONLINE category will be invited to perform in the Winner’s concert. The format may be either an online live streaming or pre-recorded video.
7. The decision of the Organizing Committee is final.
Please refer to the link on the latest Hong Kong Government announcement on Travelling into Hong Kong (www.coronavirus.gov.hk)